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How to Cook Sticky Rice the Easy Way and without a Steamer

thai sticky rice how to
Sometimes, I feel like all the brilliant friends I am fortunate to have, but perhaps don’t deserve, should be the ones writing this blog. My friend B very recently allowed me to share her Khao Na Gai recipe with you. Then a few weeks ago, my friend L showed me the only way he had been making perfect Thai sticky rice for the past several months. It’s done without a steamer.

I’ve tried this method many times since then, mostly just to prove him a misguided heretic. But in the end, I, too, have willingly joined the cult of splatter guard. And the post I had written and kept in the draft folder on 5 ways to perfectly steam sticky rice has suddenly been rendered obsolete. Continue Reading →

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Stir-fried Cabbage with Fish Sauce (กะหล่ำปลีผัดน้ำปลา)


I recently got into a healthy habit of dedicating every late afternoon during my visit home to power-walking inside Lumpini Park, the Bangkokian smaller (and hia-infested) equivalent of Central Park, with my best friend T and his girlfriend K. It’s funny how regardless of whatever we discuss while huffing and puffing (mostly on my part), the conversation inevitably slithers into fooddom; I guess that’s bound to happen when people who are deeply interested in food get together. The idea for this post, for example, was generated by K during one of our breathless, sweaty walks.

We had just finished discussing Kaeng Som when T’s eyes wandered towards our favorite young coconut vendor1 just outside the park gate and K brought up something I thought was interesting: fish sauce stir-fries. Continue Reading →

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Khanom Badin: Thai-Muslim Butter Cake (ขนมบดิน)

Here’s the plan: I’m going to shamelessly romanticize a cake in this post. I’m going to say that a cake is not always just a cake – as in the culmination of flour, butter, eggs, and sugar – but that a cake can be more than just a cake. I’m going to tell you about one particular cake and how it’s not just a cake but something meaningful enough to change someone’s direction in life. Then I’m going to turn around and tell you that this is a cake that, after all is said and done, is a delicious cake.

Please let me take you to a lesser known corner of Bangkok whence this cake comes while you’re trying to grasp the gibberish profundity that is the previous paragraph. Here, gimme your hand. You look a little discombobulated. Continue Reading →

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