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Yam Naem Khao Tod by Pa Yai (ยำแหนมข้าวทอดป้าใหญ่)

Thai street food

She broke up a relationship – this Pa Yai. Okay, fine, so that’s not exactly how things went down. But, yeah, this nocturnal Bangkok street food vendor with a huge cult following was indirectly involved in what eventually led to a fermented pork-related breakup.

I’m going to assume you want to know the story. Here it is. Continue Reading →

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My Recommendations: Ten Thai Restaurant Dishes in Chicago


Please follow this link to Serious Eats Chicago to find out the subjective and idiosyncratic criteria I use when eating out at a Thai restaurant. There’s so much more to say about the subject, and I didn’t even begin to scratch the surface with what I’ve said. Also, there are many more Thai restaurant dishes (in the US) which I’d like to recommend to you. But I hope this will do for now.

[For those who are curious, the photo above is the beef curry noodles from Rosded in Chicago. To make something similar to that, you can follow my slow-cooker beef curry noodles recipe and add some chopped roasted peanuts to it at the end.]

My thanks go to Nick Kindelsperger for his trust in me, his editorial touch, and the formatting of the post.

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Thai Fish Sauce Taste Test

I have recently done a taste test on seven Thai brands of fish sauce that, according to a private poll, are the easiest to find in the United States. Though there are many other brands in the US market, we’re going to focus on these Thai brands. This is because they are made specifically for Thai food, and Thai food is what this blog covers — well, most of the time. I’ll write about the non-Thai brands, which are intentionally excluded, in the sequel to this post.

Here’s the result. Continue Reading →

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