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Ganda in Thai Town, Los Angeles, and Its Thai Spicy Crispy Catfish (ผัดเผ็ดปลาดุกทอดกรอบ)

catfish recipe

The dish as served at Ganda

Let’s just get right to it,” writes James Oseland. “Ganda, a restaurant in the heart of Hollywood’s Thai Town, serves the most authentic Thai food in America.” Coming from someone else, this bold declaration would probably cause any Thai – and I mean those weaned on rice and nam phrik – to cock their head to one side and squint while inevitably and involuntarily entering the initial stage of knee-jerk skepticism.

But — lo and behold — this comes from someone who happens to know a thing or two about the cuisines of Southeast Asia, and when I read that the editor-in-chief of Saveur ate at this place five days in a row during a visit to Los Angeles, this Thai’s ears perked up.

After her ears had resumed their normal position, as all perked ears must do at some point, she hopped on a plane to California, made three anonymous trips to the restaurant, and sat down for a chat with its owner on her final visit. Continue Reading →

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Naem Khao Tod (แหนมข้าวทอด) by Spoon Thai Restaurant, Chicago


When I was talking to Khun Wanna, owner of Spoon Thai restaurant in Chicago, my main objective was to get from her the recipe for (Yam) Naem Khao Tod [1] which apparently is a favorite among hard-core Thai food lovers in Chicago many of whom gather virtually to express their love for this restaurant and this dish on LTHForum. Well, that objective was achieved.

But my conversation with Khun Wanna also touched on many issues pertinent to Thai food as found in the US, how a restaurant must walk the delicate line between serving food that we Thais consider good and food that will appeal to the non-Thai palate and ensure profitability, etc. It was very interesting and made me think about things. However, to relay all that to you in this post will only detract from the attention which this great dish so richly deserves. Therefore, I’ll keep all that for a later time.

This post is dedicated to my awesome readers in Chicago.
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Thai Spicy Mixed Vegetable Soup – Kaeng Liang (แกงเลียง)

1940 was unkind to many around the globe. It was the year Italy declared war on France, Germany invaded the Low Countries, and the Battle of Britain began. Things weren’t entirely calm and normal in their neck of the woods either. But having heard of what happened to Jews across Europe and how much of the world was starting to live under food rationing, the young newlyweds were thankful for what they had.

There was still a thriving vegetable garden in their little yard. The chickens still laid eggs daily. Sure, they were living in a small army house in the North of Bangkok – a house they didn’t even own. She’d just quit her teaching job to start a family, and he was earning a meager junior officer salary. But they were happy.

Life would be tough, and they’d known that going in. But that’s the price you pay for having married against your parents’ will and for being too proud to ask for help.

But they had their love. They had their health. They had each other. And that was enough. Continue Reading →

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